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Academic IELTS tomorrow...any last minute tips?!


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So, as the subject says, I have my IELTS exam tomorrow. I've tried to prepare as much as I can but I thought I'd check whether anybody has any last minute tips which might help. I need a 7 for AHPRA but would like 8 to give me the extra points for the visa.


Thanks in advance! Lou.x

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Hi bushpiglet, I would say u will be fine with listening and speaking just make sure you read read read as I found the reading one very time consuming, with the writing ensure you have enough words as requested and use a wide range of vocabulary, I only managed to get 7.5 in academic after two attempts, this was also for AHPRA, but if you can't get 8's don't be disheartened as I did general then to get my 20points obviously had to pay more but I knew I was pushing for a 8 in academic! General was a breeze!

Good luck, fingers crosses for you


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All done and back home. I felt good about the listening, OK about the reading, good about the writing, and OK/good about the speaking! I think I probably did best in listening but I'll find out on 23rd. For now it's time to relax and get ready for a lovely meal with my equally lovely husband. :cute: Thanks for the tips Loulou and Srg73!x

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