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Anyone living Brighton/Sandgate/Shorncliffe areas


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Hi Everyone. We are a family of four moving to the above area or surrounding areas mid-Nov.We are flexible to areas to live but when on holiday last year loved these areas. DAD (45) Mum (44) and two sons 13 and 11. Love the outdoor life and just wanted to make contact with others who are already living there and advice on everything families need to know. Important to us is good schools for the boys and getting a rental property, have read that most schools you need to be in the catchment,is this your experience? Younger son (11) plays a good standard of soccer so anyone with advice about good teams /academy's that are in these areas really appreciated. Many thanks, Neil

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Hi Neil

we live about 15 Mins from the areas you mention. All are good areas but can be expensive if you are looking to be close to the sea.


We are the same age as you guys and have a boy aged 13 and a girl aged 10 and we have been here just over two and a half years.


with regards to schools I do not know what the state schools are like, however I doubt they are bad for these arears, I certainly haven't heard any horror stories. My kids go to St Paul's in Bald Hills.


i believe Penninsula football club at Clontarf are a decent outfit as is Albany Creek which is a little further out.


if you would like to meet up when you get here just send me a private message for my contact details.


just let me know if there is any other info/help you need.



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They are nice places to live but, as Shefg says, expensive to purchase/rent near to the water. Brighton is slightly cheaper and has a lot of older properties and an established population who are rapidly being overtaken by newcomers who are demolishing old properties on decent sized blocks and building two new properties on a block that originally had one house. Brighton can be a bit rough in places.... The low lying areas of Sandgate close to the beach are prone to flooding if there is a lot of rain and this coincides with a king tide. Personally, I would go for Shorncliffe as this appears to be the quietest area.


As far as soccer teams go, there are the Brighton Bulldogs who always seemed to beat my son's team (Albany Creek Excelsior) when he played soccer a few years ago.


I've heard nothing bad about the local state primary schools in that area. Sandgate State High doesn't have a particularly great reputation but I know kids who have survived and made it to uni! As far as boys' private schools go, there is the Catholic St Patricks which is right on the waterfront at Shorncliffe. There was a fatal stabbing there about 6 years ago but unfortunately, even in private schools, these tragedies can happen. Otherwise the school seems to have a good reputation.


As far as catchment areas go, you need to go onto the Education Qld website where you can access catchment area maps for each school. It is also worth checking with the school to see if they are full as they will take out of catchment if they are not.


Hope this helps.

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