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People who got their 461 granted

Sylvia Dalberg

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Im from sweden and my De facto is from new zealand

Ive been told all diffrent prices of this 461 visa. On the website it says the price starts from 340 dollar or something around there


I've been struggling to get straight forward prices.

If you applied by yourself - how much did it all cost you and how long did it take for your visa to get granted?


If you did it true an agent - how much did it cost you and how long did it take until you got it granted?


We been together sense November 2013 untill may and just got together again june 2015 ive been travling and he has been travling but we been keeping contact and knew we will get together again and now we are ready to really commit to eachother


we are just worried that this separation we had will cause us problems .. but it wasnt becouse we didnt want to be together, i had other travel plans and he had others and we were gonna get together when we were ready. Now we want to work and live and travel as a couple in australia.

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The application cost is $325 if it's just you (there are additional costs for dependents on your application).


To be eligible, you need to provide solid evidence that you and your partner have been in a de facto relationship for the past 12 months. De facto is typically living together like husband & wife but without having gone through a marriage ceremony. It's not a visa you can apply in order to START living together.

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