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3-6 month trip to test the water - Which Tourist Visa??? Please Help


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There is doing a reccie and doing a reccie :wink: A reccie is usually a few weeks, (often to validate the visas if you don't plan to move quite quickly) and usually in the area you are keen to settle in.


Honestly, as has been said, I don't think it helps much to spend 3-6 months somewhere to help test the waters. Its a huge expense and commitment with no income, no incomings, just outgoings that could go toward a visa application and move.


And yes, it can often take a while to settle, find your feet and so on once you migrate and no amount of holidaying is going to prepare you for this IMHO.


Many visit Aus before they move, usually for a shorter holiday or to validate. Some move without ever having visited the place.


Research well, ensure there is a job market that is offering your line of work in your preferred area and be prepared that it could take a few months to secure employment once you migrate. Your budget for a long holiday would be better spent going toward the savings to cover you for this eventuality. Also keep in mind that Australia is a big place and where you start off may not be for you in the long term and you can always look to moving within Aus if you want. If you really don't like it full stop or suffer terrible homesickness that cannot be overcome nor eases, a return to the UK is also a move then to consider.


If you can afford a holiday for a few weeks for all 6 of you, great, go for it and enjoy. But you really don't need to be spending longer to see if you like it or want to do it. I think its wise to be reconsidering the 3-6 month stay and to either reduce it right down to just go for the visa and research all you can while applying and waiting.


Thanks Snifter, really appreciate this. Valuable experience is far better than anything else. We are now re-thinking our plans.



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My recommendation would not be to go on a tourist visa - I have read most of the thread and based on what you have said I would apply for your 189 visa and then head out for 12 months. Spend 3-6 months travelling and don't worry about your children's education, they will develop more in that time than any school education could possibly achieve and then settle somewhere for 6-9 months - you and your partner will be free to work if you wish, you'll be able to rent a property rather than holiday accommodation (which is very expensive) and your children will be able to go to school i.e. you can live like an Australian for 6 months.


With hindsight I wish that is what we had done - we did a 5 week reccie, with two weeks in Perth and even though we tried to do all the right things there is no way of really knowing what living there would be like.


If it's not for you then you have wasted the cost of the visa but a 6 month holiday from work doesn't come cheap and unless you are working in Australia you really will not get anything like a realistic picture of life there - the longer working day meant I got home in the dark most of the year, something that didn't really sink in on 'holiday'.


At the end of the year either head back to the UK having had one hell of an adventure or head back for a holiday to finalise your affairs (if you are selling your house before you go that'll be easy) and making a permanent move.


Thank you so much Lady Rainicorn, your post and snifter's and Gbye Grey Sky's have helped massively. As I mentioned above, my wife and I are re-thinking our plans and your post has possibly pushed us back toward our original plan of just going for it.


Can't thank you all enough for your advice.



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Just go for it mate. You'll be homesick for god knows how long. You'll have urges to move back at times. But just stick to it


I went out to Aus earlier this year for a couple of weeks. The second week I was there I went to go get my hair cut and the hair dresser made a right shambles of it. I ALMOST booked a flight back home there and then just because of how much of a mess my hair was! It's little comforts like that which you will miss, well.. It is for me anyway! If I could take my hair dresser over with me - I would!

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Just go for it mate. You'll be homesick for god knows how long. You'll have urges to move back at times. But just stick to it


I went out to Aus earlier this year for a couple of weeks. The second week I was there I went to go get my hair cut and the hair dresser made a right shambles of it. I ALMOST booked a flight back home there and then just because of how much of a mess my hair was! It's little comforts like that which you will miss, well.. It is for me anyway! If I could take my hair dresser over with me - I would!


Cheers PomCop.


As I mentioned in a few post earlier, it is looking like that is the plan. Emailed GoMatilda to get our application underway so just waiting to hear back from them. I am not too concerned about homesickness for me as I have lived abroad before (in China and in Greece) but I am concerned about my wife and kids. We agreed that we would give it 2 years minimum to see how everyone gets on and we would keep money back in the bank in case it didn't work out to get us home.

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I don't know how to close this thread.


Given the fantastic advice and insight from some of the posts, we have decided to scrap the trip over in favour of going straight for the 189 application (which was our original plan) to save us £1000's and enable us to take more with us when we get there.


I can't thank all who posted enough for taking the time to give me your opinions, we really appreciate it.



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I don't know how to close this thread.


Given the fantastic advice and insight from some of the posts, we have decided to scrap the trip over in favour of going straight for the 189 application (which was our original plan) to save us £1000's and enable us to take more with us when we get there.


I can't thank all who posted enough for taking the time to give me your opinions, we really appreciate it.



And take a career break as well so you have belt and braces firmly attached. Saving money if you can is always a good move - they reckon you should plan for a 6 month period finding work, hope for it to be 2 weeks and be grateful for anything in the middle. If you treat it as an adventure and remember that nothing is forever you should be fine.

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