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visiting my partner in Melbourne, immigration warning... dilemma

Insel Rowie Affe

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what makes me a little annoyed and frustrated is that one persons decision could seriously effect many peoples lives, future and happiness based on their judgement


my partner is my best friend as much as my lover, she has been thru so much and deserves the best, her late daughter has done amazing things to change the healthcare in the country - just google Kahlia Belle Wilson and see what comes up...


i have kept to my conditions before and have no intention of breaking them or putting them at risk, its not like i have left the country for a week then returned either, in my mind im not abusing it, the conditions also speak for themselves and i feel its not right for an official to be able flaunt or change them to suit the job or requirements....sighs


I agree, if you have stuck to the visa requirements in the past you shouldn't be lectured by one of these people. As I said it should matter who you are visiting on visitors visa.

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I'm wondering if it's your trade that's being red flagged. It's so easy to do what you do in any country, by easy I mean , very transferable, so maybe they think you might be working on the quiet or trying to get work?


lol kinda, not so much in demand by Muslim countries! yeah im very careful about that, last gigs have been on cruise ships so no threat really


we are considering raising this with a local MP or whatever they are called here, time to call in the big guns

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