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Freezer to be transported to Perth - does it need degassing ?


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Hi , we are moving to Perth shortly. We have had 2 removal companies to our property in the UK to look at the amount we are transporting. One company said the freezer ( which we bought recently as it is suitable for outdoors) would need degassing. The other company said it would just need cleaning to ensure it was in pristine condition. I phoned the manufacturer ( Beko ) and they had never heard of the necessity to degas. Has anybody and advice ? Many thanks

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There shouldn't be any need to degas a new freezer. Some (really) old fridges and freezers contained a gas that was not allowed in to Australia so they would have to be degassed but I believe no new fridges or freezers contain this gas so you should be fine. We had an 11 year old Beko fridge that we shipped that didn't contain the gas, but we did check it first. I can't remember what the prohibited gas is but it was on the AQIS site and there was a silver coloured sticker in the fridge that stated what gas was used.

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