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Spouse visa - Aussie work evidence + UK job offer? Anyone had any luck?


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Hi there - this is my first post. I am an Australian (no ancestry rights....convict stock from way back...) and my husband is British. We met in the UK while I was on a working holiday, jumped through all the hoops to get him citizenship here (we've been here in Australia 4 years and he is now eligible -woohoo!), and now we're planning to move back to the UK in the first half of next year (he misses his twin!).


I initially thought he would have to go to the UK, do 6 months work there (over the 18,600 pounds mark), with me being there on a 6 month tourist visa to be with him, then I'd have to fly home and apply from Australia to join him on the spouse visa - that's what the UK immigration man said on the phone ($50 phone call thanks to their by-the-minute charge!), but I've since re-read the Financial Requirements document and seen the clause about proving he's been earning over the threshold here in Australia for the last six months (he has, for the last 4 years), and also showing a concrete job offer for a job in the UK starting within three months of our arrival. Then, as I understand it, we could go together, I wouldn't have to return here or be separated from him at all. Has anyone experienced this? I'm not sure why the immigration guy didn't mention this - it seems to fit our situation perfectly.


We don't have kids. Hopefully he'll be able to find work fairly easily in the UK as his company here has ten offices over there.


Any experiences to share?



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Hi Amelia,

my husband and I will be going this route next July when we move. I've read of quite a few people using it successfully on another forum so it is possible. The biggest hurdle is just getting that job offer from outside of the country but hopefully with your husbands company having UK offices it will be easy for you.

keep in mind that you will also need to meet an accommodation requirement but if your husband has family with enough room for both you then again you should be fine.

good luck with it.

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