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Looking to move to OZ on working holiday visa for 12 months

Ali May

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Hi there, this is my first post. I was just looking to get some realistic advice on moving to australia on a working holiday visa for 12 months, and I really need a realistic view on how much I have to save up. For the visa, spending money. Obviously I intend to work whilst i'm there for the majority of my stay so i'll be earning some money to support myself. But in terms of having money before I go.


I was also looking to meet and talk to some people that have already done this, wheres best to go, best agencies etc... I've already done some research with BUNAC and gap year, but I want real peoples views of the best agencies to go with or should I organize it all alone?


Would be great for any help you guys can give me, and get my excited :)

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Book your flights with an intended return date - say 12 months from arriving - that way you can amend it to come back earlier if you so desire and you can also evidence that you do not intend to overstay on your visa.


Flights £800 generally. You may be able to get them cheaper.


Take at least £3000 with you. You have accommodation, food, drink, transport to pay for. Start looking for a job as soon as you arrive; print off your resume. Do the Online RSA course so you can work in bars. Make sure the RSA course is for the state you intend on working in. Do not apply for jobs online. Human interaction is good and you're 99% more likely to get a job.


Good luck :)

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Im going with gap year 360 but tbh if I could decide again Id probably just do it myself. Unless you really want to go with a group with activities organised. If you are sure that you are definitely coming back within 12 moths then definitely get a return

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Well I was actually thinking of doing labour work that would allow me to renew the visa for a further 12 months, because I know if you do 88days you can renew he visa


Yes, but these tend to be poorly paid (but you do tend to get accommodation and food, I think)


Don't forget, it's just about 3 months of your WHV that you need to do regional work. (Farming etc) some people decide to do that in their first three months of arriving to Aus for a few reasons:


1. They don't know anyone, so it's easier for them to go away for a few months and get it over and done with


2. They already have money saved up, by doing regional work, they aren't spending but perhaps making a little more too


3. They complete their 3 months so that they can have a good long time in Aus


Others go straight into travelling & working in the big cities. Meet fellow backpackers and get attached to one another.


Your choice. But either way, ensure that you have sufficient funds in your bank and enough for a return flight, or have your return flight already booked.


Best of luck!

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I went to the Dept of Immigration and Border Protection web site and searched for 'Working holiday'. It probably has all you need to know about coming to OZ for a working holiday. Thousands, probably tens of thousands of people have already come here on a working holiday (including me.) Apply for your visa, making sure you meet all the requirements, and once you get your visa, book your flight. I guess if you are planning a two year visa, you would not want a return flight, but you may have to show evidence of enough money to pay for your flight from Australia.


Join the YHA before you leave, though there are plenty of good private hostels too, book a hostel for your first couple of weeks. Assuming it is Sydney, then there are loads of hostels around Central station, near to where I live in Surry Hills, although you may prefer to book one elsewhere in the city - Kings Cross, Bondi Beach, The Rocks, wherever. Bounce hostel near Central seems to have a good name - right outside the station as is the YHA where I stayed for a couple of nights.



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Yeah I would be doing some work to get the two year visa :) need as much advice as possible.

so I just need to keep enough money in my bank to prove I can pay for a flight back if I'm just getting a single to australia basically?

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Yeah I would be doing some work to get the two year visa :) need as much advice as possible.

so I just need to keep enough money in my bank to prove I can pay for a flight back if I'm just getting a single to australia basically?


Yes, as you may be questioned by customs when leaving the country and questioned when entering Australia.


You will have to show:


1. Evidence of further funds (ie bank account) or;

2. A return flight

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