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working from Brisbane for current UK employer


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I'm moving to Brisbane in December with my Australian partner and will have permanent resident status.


I am currently a scheduler for an Outside Broadcast company and I am hoping to keep my job and work from home (in Brisbane).


Does anyone have advice about how to go about this and what is required?


Do I have to become a contractor and set up a limited company in Oz?

Should I get paid in Aussie currency rather than UK pounds?

Where do I pay tax, UK or Oz?


Sorry for so many questions but I don't know where else to look.

Any information will be much appreciated.


Many thanks

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You can do it, that is not an issue. However, I would speak to a good accountant to get things set up for tax.


You would pay tax in Australia and you can do that either as a sole trader or as a company. It will depend on a number of factors that an accountant can decide which is the best way to go.


Currency is also one for an accountant - I have been paid previously in a range of currencies - usually US$. However, again professional advice needed as there are pluses and minuses - there are costs involved in being paid in another currency but there can be benefits on conversions due to exchange rates.

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