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Health and Social Care Degree

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I've been doing a part-time health and social care degree which I didn't think I would have completed by the time we were planning to move, but now we have another baby on the way we've put a pause on moving which means (hopefully) I will have completed my degree by the time we go. Anyway, I started the degree mainly because I found it interesting and I was getting sick of working with horses. I'm just wondering what sort of jobs I would be able to look into when I'm in Australia with my degree. I know I'm at a disadvantage as I will have no experience, but my husband is the main visa applicant so my job isn't the important one it would just be an extra income. So I'm just curious to know what sort of work may be available to me with this degree or even if anyone could suggest further study/qualifications I may be able to get out there that could compliment my degree. Thanks :) xx

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