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Primary Teacher thinking of doing a Secondary PGCE- is this even possible?

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Hi there,


Am exploring every which way of getting to Oz!


Qualified as a Primary teacher in 2004 after doing a 3 year BA with QTS. I haven't taught for the last 4 years as I have been at home raising a young family but am now ready to head back into the world of work or indeed further education.


Toyed with the idea of doing a Masters in Early Years to give me the required extra year at Uni however sadly I can't pursue the Early Years Teacher route as my teaching practices were only in the 5-11 age range. (They weren't as I actually did a Nursery placement but my Uni refuse to acknowledge this on paper...Grrrrr and will only state I was assessed in the age range of 5-11)


So, am now wondering if I could do a PGCE in Secondary Education in order to get my extra year at Uni and also it is on the (newly revised) SOL list.


Any advice would be gratefully received.


Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.....

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