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Hi all we are due to move Dec 2015 to Melbourne (Point Cook) our son will be 4 and turns 5 in the may. We have been told that he will need to go to a kindergarden as the school intake says that to start prep they need to turn 5 before 30th April.


So I take it Kindergarden is like Nursery here in UK.


Trying to find out the costs for this really hard to find out from here. Has anyone had any experience or anyone have a rough guide of Pre-School fees.



We are heading out on a 457 Visa incase that makes any difference.




Many Thanks

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No idea about the impact of the visa in victoria but our kindergarten fees are $270 per term. (4 terms per year)


And this is for 15 hours spread over 4 days per week.


Funnily enough, this is counted as childcare in the eyes of the government, so if you are eligible for the child care benefit or rebate, you can take the receipts into centrelink and they will apply credits to your account. Not that this information is made clear by anyone.


I have the job of waiting at centrelink next week for a stupid amount of hours to do just this........

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