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So torn, what would you do....?


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Obvious question is, what if you go back again?


There are many people who would give Rufus a good home and love him as much as you.


On the opposing side, we gave our setter away when I was a child and we left Sydney, and I was heartbroken when we received a letter telling us she'd been run over.


I have certainly thought about this! I have no intention of coming back however I wouldn't ever rule it out after my last 2 moves were 'forever'! It really wouldn't be fair to up root him twice, nor could we afford it twice!

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Well we took two dogs to the UK,Then Brought them Back here.They are part of our Family. As we have had them for 13 years. Don't know where you have been, to get a quote for $3500 for one little poodle.We only paid $3200 for both our dogs from Brisbane.You need to shop around.Nobody can really advise you on this.It's your choice.


Can I ask who you went with? I've managed to get the quote down to $3300 and that's door to door and it's the best quote I've had, one company wanted to charge $5000!!!!

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I can certainly understand your feelings. We are taking 2 dogs back with us. One made the trip 8 years ago and is now heading back. The other we got 2 years ago. There has never been any question about us taking them back. From Brisbane it is costing us $6300 to Manchester. Somehow we have found the money. It is of course a very personal decision, one I do not envy anyone of making. As an aside we did leave 2 very old dogs when we came here. They lived for a few more years with family. One missed us and always got excited when he saw a 4x4 like we had pull up outside the house. Go figure! I was heartbroken when we passed. The other dog lived to 17 and just feel asleep one day. Again that was heartbreaking too. And yes I wish we had brought them both here. But as I said it is a personal decision. One only you can make. Best of luck and whatever you decided it will be for the best reasons.

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Think about how Rufus is likely to respond to the new baby. Has he been around babies much? Will he mind sharing you? Will you be able to manage both the new baby and Rufus if your husband isn't going to give enough time to Rufus - since you won't be able to for a while as new babies are full on!


I would re-home him, and start looking now so that you've time to find the perfect family. If possible, if you find a local home for him, a bit of handover time would be good so that Rufus can get to know his new family and spend time with them whilst you're also there - that way when he actually goes to live with them full time it won't be as stressful for him as he'll be with friends he already knows, and not so stressful for you as you'll know them quite well by then too :)

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Take your dog back to England. You do not know what lies ahead. Your finances could turn around, hence you could afford your dog. I feel from reading your post, you defend your dog more than your hubby.


Look into both. Just advice, and wishing you the best. Just stop and think about all before decisions.

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Think about how Rufus is likely to respond to the new baby. Has he been around babies much? Will he mind sharing you? Will you be able to manage both the new baby and Rufus if your husband isn't going to give enough time to Rufus - since you won't be able to for a while as new babies are full on!


I would re-home him, and start looking now so that you've time to find the perfect family. If possible, if you find a local home for him, a bit of handover time would be good so that Rufus can get to know his new family and spend time with them whilst you're also there - that way when he actually goes to live with them full time it won't be as stressful for him as he'll be with friends he already knows, and not so stressful for you as you'll know them quite well by then too :)


I already have an 18 month old which he had to get used to and he adapted to the situation very well, especially after having been the baby before she came along! The sad reality is since my daughter was born he doesn't get the attention he used to or deserves and I do worry that a 2nd baby will push him further down the line, though my daughter now lathers him in attention (albeit quite rough bullying like attention!)!


My very good friend has actually offered to take him in, she lives by the beach and already has another dog whom Rufus get son well with. So I'm now actually spoilt for choice as to what to do for the best! There are actually some very positive options available to me now and I don't feel as guilty as I was feeling which is good because I had an awful dream last night that I was chasing him out my house and trying to shut him out but in the process was hitting and kicking him!!! :shocked:Just awful!!

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