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Does aitsl accept original documents as well as certified ones?


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Hi everyone

I am part-way through the aitsl process for secondary teacher and my application is with them. However, they have emailed to request a document I have already sent them - it was an original from my university on headed paper, personally signed and stamped. I was in the position to be able to send an original as I had two copies anyway. The exact info they ask for in the email is contained on the document they have

Can anyone clarify whether they accept originals too? I have scoured their site and all it states is that certified and originals are not returned - implying they do accept originals? Confused. Please help.

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I can't give you an answer but I've done the same thing with AITSL ... Sent them a letter from my Uni tutor (I requested 3 signed copies from Uni). How far into the process did they email you? I'm 6 weeks in since they acknowledged my application and haven't heard anything

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Hi Selina

They have had the document since the start of March and before now had contacted me about two extra replacement docs they required. I thought that was it. I got those sent out. They then request a further document a further six weeks in. I didn't get the statement from my university certified as it was original - this is the only thing I can think of which ha is wrong as the info they are after is on it - yet they want another. Have emailed them to clarify but they'll take a week to respond. Grr!

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When an authority requests documents that have already been sent, I reply along the following lines:


Thank you for the opportunity to proved further infomation. It seems that your system has not retained (whatever it was) sent by (FedEx, Registered Post, email attachment, uploaded to your server on - date.


This is more likely to be productive than an harangue about incompetent, stupid, fuctionally illiterate, lying parasites, or words to that effect.

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