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Meeting someone in Australia


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Hey guys!


I live in a small coastal town in NSW, moved here when i was 16 with my parents


Anyway my post is about been single, other than the odd short term thing i haven't seriously been in a relationship for 4 years, i just don't seem to click with aussies, the last guy i was seriously into was english and couldn't move here


My question is does anyone else have the same thing with aussies? they don't get my humour and just tend to live completely different to us, I'm moving to Sydney soon, maybe people will be in a different mind frame there?

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I imagine moving to Sydney would help loads :) Lots of people from all over the globe so you should be able to meet like minded people, it'll just be a matter of putting yourself out there when you arrive.

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Hi there, sorry to hear about that is very hard these days to meet new people let alone someone you can date. I moved from Adel to Melb thinking it would be easier here but it isn't ... Is probably worst. I got more dates in Adel. Most Aussies are settled with their group of friends that they had forever and don't really branch out. They nice and polite but don't bring u into their groups. I did put myself out there, hate that saying but I did go to meetups, some single meet ups others about interests I have ... I think is tricky and very hard to make friends let alone date.

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Perth, Sydney and the Gold Coast (especially Perth apparently) are full of British ex-pats. Bound to meet someone in these places. Small coastal town in NSW would hardly be a thriving love fest! :)


Perth is dire and very difficult on that front. Sure lots of British ex pats on the rebound, but lots of baggage and fragile relations. Barely a couple we know remain together from when we first met. Probably why so many connect with people from elsewhere.

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Hey guys!


I live in a small coastal town in NSW, moved here when i was 16 with my parents


Anyway my post is about been single, other than the odd short term thing i haven't seriously been in a relationship for 4 years, i just don't seem to click with aussies, the last guy i was seriously into was english and couldn't move here


My question is does anyone else have the same thing with aussies? they don't get my humour and just tend to live completely different to us, I'm moving to Sydney soon, maybe people will be in a different mind frame there?


It is very hard. Sydney will have more diversity but I imagine still hard. Yes I never found much of a connection with Australian women in the sense that could imagine a lasting relationship although have had some as friends but always sought elsewhere with rather more success with women from elsewhere. Usually though was elsewhere at the time.

Very likely why the extreme number of other nationality/race relationships within Australia. Good luck anyway. Sydney will at least bring diversity to the table.

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