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Security, Fire Engineer, any work in Qld??


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Can any one help?


We've visited 2 states over the past couple of years, in our attempts to locate work in Australia initially for my husband, who is a very experienced security and fire engineer.


A few weeks ago we did a detailed visit to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Qld.


My husband had an interview set up and was offered a position in his industry. On returning to the UK, he has tried on several occasions to contact the company, to further this offer and our move. The company has completely ignored all contact.


This is the second time this has happened. (different company's) Of course there is the possibility that my husband wasn't suitable for the position, although on both occasions he has been offered the job?


We are currently applying for a permanent visa, however all would be in vain if there is'n't any work?


Has anyone recently managed to get a job in this field?


Thank you in advance

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Can any one help?


We've visited 2 states over the past couple of years, in our attempts to locate work in Australia initially for my husband, who is a very experienced security and fire engineer.


A few weeks ago we did a detailed visit to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Qld.


My husband had an interview set up and was offered a position in his industry. On returning to the UK, he has tried on several occasions to contact the company, to further this offer and our move. The company has completely ignored all contact.


This is the second time this has happened. (different company's) Of course there is the possibility that my husband wasn't suitable for the position, although on both occasions he has been offered the job?


We are currently applying for a permanent visa, however all would be in vain if there is'n't any work?


Has anyone recently managed to get a job in this field?


Thank you in advance


That's a sad situation, and also very unusual for 2 companies to ignore your attempts to contact.

Do you think that possibly your email is being diverted to their spam folders? I had a similar experience last year and it was only when I called that they said that they hadn't received any emails from me. I tried to send one again while I was on the phone with him, still nothing, then we double and triple checked the email address I was sending it to...all correct, then he clicked on his spam/junk mail folder and lo and behold they were all in there. Sometimes these company email systems have a strict spam filter on them and email addresses with gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc sometimes don't get through.

Might be worth giving them a call and tell them that you'd made a couple of attempts to contact them, it might be that simple!

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Thank you CaptainC, my husband has tried calling, no response though, just answer machines!

I guess he just wasn't suitable. It's just nice to know so you can start trying elsewhere.


Having said that, I've tried enquiring about college courses and have found it equally difficult getting much response.

Maybe they may have lots of international enquiries that take time to respond to and come to nothing? Maybe I'll try calling them.


Fingers Crossed it is then!

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Thank you CaptainC, my husband has tried calling, no response though, just answer machines!

I guess he just wasn't suitable. It's just nice to know so you can start trying elsewhere.


Having said that, I've tried enquiring about college courses and have found it equally difficult getting much response.

Maybe they may have lots of international enquiries that take time to respond to and come to nothing? Maybe I'll try calling them.


Fingers Crossed it is then!


Sorry to hear that, but don't give up, I'm sure you won't.

If he's been offered a job from two separate companies then it's clear that he's got a good reputation and is very skilled in what he does. Think of it as their loss and I'm sure another company would snap him up in an instant.

Regarding the college, I need to renew my competence and need to complete three specialist courses for my job. I'm a self payer, and the courses are expensive. I found it very strange that I didn't get a reply from the colleges/training organisations. I have no clue why, but to put your mind at rest, you aren't the only one!

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Thank you, we won't give up, funny it happened to you too, I feel better, but sorry for you.


The course I was looking at is $13k!! now that's customer service for you! Maybe they couldn't see me as I'd fallen off my chair at this point??...


Several years ago we moved to rural France, but couldn't get permanent work due to the language barrier. We came back and I realised how niaeve we had been. It's made me rather cautious regarding employment, but at least we've chosen a country where we speak the same language!


Several attempts at trying to get to Australia, this is our last chance!


Good Luck to you!

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Hi Teejams


I'm sorry to hear about your negative response with regards to your OH's job application experiences……...I've also just picked myself up off the floor after reading about your $13K course fees!


I moved from Cheshire UK, Oct 2014 to Brisbane (Northside), with my Aussie partner, for a lifestyle change, having worked for the same UK company for 23 years and wanting to see the back of shift work. I've been applying for jobs ever since I arrived and have had knock back after knock back. What I'm also finding is that when I ask for feedback it is ignored 95% of the time and if I do get feedback it's along the lines of 'You were outplayed by a better candidate'! Very informative huh! It seems to be the norm here.


I've looked at options for vocational courses etc and like you, have been shocked at the cost. After seeing an expose on TV I've also become aware that these training providers, along with employment help companies, get fees from the government for every person that is 'signed on'. They don't tend to give a stuff really and the support is non-existent generally, the fee from the government is their driver!. If you go to Centerlink you are directed to their 3rd party employment services and unless you're deemed 'special needs' then its a waste of time and easy money for the 3rd party for doing diddly squat!


I think you will find that the majority of prospective companies will not be wanting to keep a job offer open for very long, and this may be where the problem has been previously. I do think it is extremely unprofessional for the two companies not to respond to your enquiries and it's very frustrating, I've been there myself loads of times since moving here. The way I've started to look at it is by asking myself 'Do you really want to work for a company that appears to have such a disregard for its employees'?


On the visa front, it can be a drawn out process and there is the option of using a migration agent, but this will obviously cost you. We did it all ourselves and most probably saved over £2K by doing so. Just be aware that the clock starts ticking once you've had your visa medical and police checks, not from when you get your visa approval.


Good luck

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