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For me 10.

Don't know about the slower pace of life either. Don't know your age or what you are in to but if you like sport and decent weather, there won't be enough hours in the day, especially weekends to enjoy yourself.


I'm 61, did a triathlon a couple of weekends ago, go for a ski paddle most mornings before work, every weekend both me and the wife are out doing something sporty. Maybe I'll discover the slower pace of life, that Perth is supposed to bring in 10 years or so. Till then I'll carry on doing the things I enjoy and came here for.:cool:


You put me to shame, Paul, as I am (almost) the same age as you (on ANZAC Day.) Here I am, debauched by life in Sydney, watching 'The Simpsons' at 2230, and waiting for my brother to say 'Let's go down the pub, Dado.' Perhaps, my life in Oz would have been so different had I stayed in Perth (which I loved from the moment I stepped ashore at Freemantle!)


But I love Sydney too, and I wouldn't live anywhere else now.

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I am a welder ,I am contracted to 4 12 hr sifts and the rest is OT that your expected to do ,Then add on 2 hr travelling every day .You can only keep that up for so long before you collapse .On the other hand it is paving my way to Australia ,So I must just crack on and do what I have to do.

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You're missing the point BF.I'm guessing you went for the job in the first place and decided yourself whether to take said job?So really you decided to work 80 hrs per week.Hopefully when you move to Oz your life will be what you expect it to be.Best Wishes.

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For the lifestyle, I give it 9/10 (better taxis and a bit cheaper would get it a 10).

It's incredibly clean, with no litter and no graffiti (they come & remove it as soon as you report it).

The outdoors lifestyle is great, even if you're not into triathlons & such.

People are friendly, public transport is good.

Schools are good.


If your sort of work means you will need to commute to the CBD, then weigh up the commuting time carefully. the traffic into the city on the freeway is not up to M62 standards, but it makes a big difference, especially as it gets dark 6-8pm (depending on the time of year, obvs) and you want to make the most of the outdoors. In my mind it was worth it to live closer and have more modest house than to go for the big house & a pool but commute for an hour each way.


For work, for me I'd give it 3/10. I've enjoyed the jobs I've had, but I feel like my career has taken a significant hit compared to where it was going in the UK.

Of course it totally depends on what kind of work you do. It's a good place for people starting their own businesses

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