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PMV to Partner visa


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Hi I am looking for some advice on the evidence needed for this visa. Me and my partner are struggling to find financial evidence to give as we are only just married. So we have a joint bank account, will etc but not much else. We are staying with my sister in law so we don't have rental evidence or utility bills. As we are saving to buy our own house. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hi I am looking for some advice on the evidence needed for this visa. Me and my partner are struggling to find financial evidence to give as we are only just married. So we have a joint bank account, will etc but not much else. We are staying with my sister in law so we don't have rental evidence or utility bills. As we are saving to buy our own house. Any help would be greatly appreciated


You can include a Stat dec from your sister to say why you are living there, and if you have a bank statement shwing any joint payments to her for food or rent etc you can highlight those.

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