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police checks

Guest The Brooks

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Guest The Brooks

Hi our police check has come back, my husband new he had some discrepencies from his youth but just wondered if any one could tell us if this will go against us.

He has 4 offences on his record 2 drunk and disorderly, 1 for fighting and 1 for actual bodily harm. he attended court for all the offences and for 3 was just given a fine but the actual bodily harm one he did community service. All these offences took place 12 years ago when he was a teen/ early 20`s. Will they frown upon this and could it go against us in that they wont grant us a visa.

thanks in advance for anyones help.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest griggsy

hi there hope you dont mind me messaging you my wife and i are new to the site we started our application in october 06 and the one thihg that is worring me is that i have 1 police caution aganst me,and was wondering how you have got on with your application?

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi all


None of you sound like hardened criminals to me! The general rule is 12 months in jug for one crime or 24 months in total via shorter spells in the slammer before they start to get seriously concerned.


I remember one thread where a guy had been in a pub watching a football match and after the match he had got involved with a brawl outside. During this brawl he decked a policeman, apparently. By the time it got to his visa application, he was scared stupid about the Assaulting a Police Hossifer charge.


An Australian Immi Law solicitor called Tony Kidd responded to this guy, assuring him cheerily that decking a copper would probably be regarded as a community service in Melbourne.....


Joanne, you submit the application to your local police force. They forward it to New Scotland Yard, I believe. The certificate comes to you via your local police force, however.






Thank God Its Friday!! :yes:

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Guest Marie and Paul
Hi all


None of you sound like hardened criminals to me! The general rule is 12 months in jug for one crime or 24 months in total via shorter spells in the slammer before they start to get seriously concerned.


I remember one thread where a guy had been in a pub watching a football match and after the match he had got involved with a brawl outside. During this brawl he decked a policeman, apparently. By the time it got to his visa application, he was scared stupid about the Assaulting a Police Hossifer charge.


An Australian Immi Law solicitor called Tony Kidd responded to this guy, assuring him cheerily that decking a copper would probably be regarded as a community service in Melbourne.....


Joanne, you submit the application to your local police force. They forward it to New Scotland Yard, I believe. The certificate comes to you via your local police force, however.






Thank God Its Friday!! :yes:

I have 4 offences against me lucky enough I told my husband about them happened a few years ago, and we have a visas through so I think unless you have some serious offences, murderer etc I wouldnt worry about it too much, easier said than done though until the paperwork is approved. Mine were for theft and kindred offences, and GBH/ABH. These were court costs, fines and conditional discharges.


Has been a good eye opener for my boys that things you do when you are younger can still have a profound affect later on in life.

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