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Selling Property in UK. Tenanted or Untenanted


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Dear all


I am planning on cutting my final financial tie with the UK by selling my UK property. I had had tenants in for the past 3.5 years who have been good, but the time is right to try and get on the ladder here. (Well at least be ready in case I see something I fancy!)


However in my mind I was prepared to give them notice and leave the property empty while I put new carpets in and gave the place a lick of paint. The tenants would like to stay until completion (which is good as I continue to cover the mortgage while I am selling the place)


The estate agents reckons he can sell it as it is, but obviously I don't want to lose a prospective buyer for the lack of a lick of paint.


Does any have any experience of doing this or can share any advice?



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I have just joined and looking in the forums noticed yours and having gone through a similar experience thought I'd share it with you.


I had tenants in my home in a similar situation. They appeared for all intents and purposes to be good tenants - paying on time and caring for the place - so I agreed to let them stay until I found a buyer.


My Tenants changed - after the decorators had done an excellent job of decorating - and trashed my house! They refused to leave and I had to get a Solicitor involved to get them out. Suffice to say that house is now undergoing complete renovation - I don't expect to see a penny in compensation from my now Ex Tenants because it was discovered they were using a false name and had rented and trashed other landlords houses before. I was left with a trail of companies knocking on the door with debts the tenants had run up and who were continueing to use the address for such purposes!

The damage they caused in my house beggars belief - They rammed cutlery into the waste disposal unit and caused it to jam and wreck the kitchen cupboard it was in, their children (I was told later by neighbours) had been allowed to run riot inside and outside the house - damaging not only my house and garden but also that of the neighbours. The kitchen sink looked like it had been jumped in and stamped on and has to be replaced - the shower fitment in the ensuite bathroom had been ripped out of the wall and left switched on so the water flooded the bathroom and brought down the ceiling in the utility room below.

The fitted mahogany bedroom suites in all the bedrooms had been removed and taken away and the windows and walls were covered in what looked like soot and there where child size hand painted prints up the stairs walls and crayon drawings on the doors to top it all we found blood stains on all the carpets in every room - when asked in court as to what and where it had come from - the tenants admitted to allowing their female dog who was in season free range to roam into every room in the house dripping blood as she went!

Would I allow another tenant in the house ? NEVER

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Ouch! Hope my tenants behave better than that!


If you are selling to someone that wants to live in it not keep as an investment, you may well run into problems down the line when the buyers solicitors take a look at the situation. Most would want vacant possession. I would never, ever buy a house that was tenanted if I planned on living there, I would insist you remove them before exchange.

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