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UK provisional license has expired - do I need to renew?


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Hi all, hoping you can help...I am 29 and my UK provisional license expired a year ago. I haven't renewed it and I'm moving to Oz (NSW) in 7 weeks. If I want to learn to drive out there will I need to renew my UK provisional license before I go? I know I will need to apply for a learner license out there regardless but not sure if a valid UK provisional is necessary in order to apply?? I'll be on a 457 visa. I checked the RMS NSW website but couldn't find a clear answer on this.


I know it's a longer process to learn to drive in Oz vs UK (though I don't have to do the 'logging 120 hours' thing because of my age which is good) but there's no way I can learn/pass before I go.

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