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Got PR - So what is next?


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I can't seem to find a thread that covers the above.


I know we can get medicare, family assistance, health insurance, life cover etc. but does anyone know exactly how we go about it?


We have a reciprocal medicare card already, is this different to the actual medicare card and what is the difference in the benefits it provides?


Who qualifies for family assistance, I tried the on-line estimator but it didn't really work?


I realise we can now get a cheaper health insurance, any suggestions? Same with life cover?


Oldest daughter is in Yr 12 going to University in Perth in either 2016 or 2017, anyone been through this process and the costs involved, what are our options?


Any info would be great. Thanx

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Get yourself round to the local Centrelink office. Take passports, visa documentation, any other proof of Id you can think of, and after waiting all day in a queue they'll process your info and then will eventually let you know if you qualify for any other Government assistance.


Your reciprocal Medicare card can be changed for a "normal" card without the "reciprocal" wording on it.


PR's at Uni get charged local fees, but they can't get HECs. A basic course at Uni costs us about $10k per semester for each of our two who are at Uni. Not cheap, but way cheaper than the international fees we were paying for them before we got PR.

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A basic course at Uni costs us about $10k per semester for each of our two who are at Uni. Not cheap, but way cheaper than the international fees we were paying for them before we got PR.


But CSP places cost a maximum of $10,266 a year. (http://studyassist.gov.au/sites/studyassist/helppayingmyfees/csps/pages/student-contribution-amounts). And that's for the most expensive Band 3 courses. Other cheaper courses cost from $6152 a year.


What/where are your children studying that costs $10k per semester?

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