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Rabies Vaccinations


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We are hoping to move out inthe next 8/9months and will be taking our two tiny Yorkies. I want to start the Rabies vacs now to give us plenty of time to get covered. Can someone please advise if you can go to any vets to get this done or is it only specfied Vets?


Many Thanks



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Hi Bob

Thanks for your speedy response. I made an appointment with the vets today to get the jabs for Rabbies but she did mention that she wont be around to do the blood tests as she is leaving. She also mentioned that I need to check if they are ok to have the lepos jab as she wasn't sure if it is allowed in Australia. Could you please also let me know if they will need a passport?

We have already contacted your company with regards to using them to ship the dogs over but I want to get as much as I can done

this end as possible.


Many Thanks

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