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Crown - what a disapointment


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We decided to go with Crown because of the outstanding reviews here on the forums - they were slightly more expensive than the others but we figured with such good reviews we would cover the extra .


The sales person was great, the packers in the uk were excellent - could not fault one thing - however....


we were not sure where we would end up in Australia so we agreed that we would pay to have our items shipped to a country town but with the right to change our minds and hold in Adelaide if necessary - it was agreed that the difference (around £1k) would be offset against storage if necessary and any over payment refunded to us.


As it turned out we decided to store and hold in Adelaide as my husband found a job there and we purchased a house a lot sooner than originally thought.


All was fine until this point.


We were then sent invoices for over $1000 for storage (the figures change all the time) - despite dozens of of emails to the Adelaide and London offices the manager seems to feel that it is appropriate to ignore our emails - the sales persona and the admin staff have all passed on our messages but this "Peter" seems to feel that it is ok to take our money and not deal with our emails.


As it stands and according to our figures Crown owe us around $500.00 - Additionally the 2 men that unpacked were very unfriendly.


Would I recommend Crown - definately no. Buyer beware - John Mason was the other company we considered and I wished I had gone with them.


Next week I start legal proceedings to cover our funds. Please consider your removal company carefully and heed my warnings about this company -

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I have moved about a lot and have used Crown 3 times and have to say I could not fault the service on any of the occasions. Obviously there has been an administration mix up between the UK where you made this agreement and here which amounts to around 250gbp. Is it really worth legal proceedings for this amount, surely you can work it out with them. Contact the company and ask for some other managers name, or even easier, look up the CEO's name, and email him, that will get Peter off his ass!

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