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How long to Register our dogs in Australia


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Hi everyone ,

we collected our dogs Archie and Dudley from quarantine yesterday a few kilos lighter and very tired but very happy to see us as we were to see them.

we are currently living in northern beaches in sydney but are moving to Queensland in 3 to 4 weeks.

Does anyone know how long we get to register them with the local council ?

We are thinking of waiting to register them until we move but don't know if we are allowed to do that. NSW has lifetime registration but QLD is an annual registration and Seems like hassle to go through it all twice for the sake of 3 or 4 weeks.

been looking on the web but can't find out what the law on this is.


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Id hang on until you move to QLD, but just be aware the licencing is also to help you if your dogs get out and get lost,the council traces you via their registration number so its actually useful to get it done asap. If they are de-sexed its a very minimal fee you pay.


Cal x

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