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Please help a fellow member

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

I don't do begging posts usually, it's not my thing and I prefer to donate to my chosen charity, however on this occasion I really do want to beg for your help. I dont know if you all remember Antandjac they came over a good few years ago now. Sold their house and what little money they had left from the sale they used it to get here and live their dream. Within 3 months of being here they found out Jackie had stage 4 breast cancer and didn't hold out much hope so they decided to go back to the UK to be with their family. I remember saying good bye at the airport it was awful as I didn't know if I'd ever see her again. Anyway she managed to win that war but now they have found out Tony has cancer of the head and throat, I refuse to say it's not looking good because as I type this I am crying my eyes out and praying they come through it.

What gets me is Tony and Jackie always have a smile on their face. No matter what's been thrown at them they are both fighters. They have two little ones, one is just younger than mine and then they have a little girl who is younger still. Their son has had a real bad time and had arranged to take his own life, thankfully Jackie knew something wasn't right and turned the car around and called up,work saying she wouldn't be in.

Now I know we all know someone who is having a bad time but please can I ask you to donate to this family even if it's just a $1. Jackie is still trying to work so that they can keep the roof over their heads when she should be with her family.



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Guest The Pom Queen
I've tried pm u pom queen but carnt do it :)

Hi Hun not sure why you can't pm me although I do have an automated reply set up as I'm away from the forum (umm well suppose to be). The site is safe although with everything in life I suppose there are no guarantees. Jenny who set the account up was trying to sell some of her art work to raise funds so she may be happy for you to pay the money direct if you wanted. I just prefer them using an organisation like the one below then everything is above board.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Ok I'll try it ...I had a email last time to say my card had been cloned they were sorry and everything ...but I'll chance it again ..thanks :):):)

No, thank you :hug:

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