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Has anybody had any experience of an Open University Australia course? I started this week.


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I work administrating OUA courses provided by UniSA in Adelaide. It is a great and very flexible way to learn and our developers are very dedicated to improving the courses to make them as good as they can. It is the way forward for lots of universities to make more of their courses available for online study. Good luck with your studies!

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MR this is fairly well known in the airline world, and was the possible/probable cause of accidents in several cases, where the first officer did not feel it appropriate to question the captain.


this is mostly addressed by airlines, but obviously I can only go by my husband and his pilot friends who have and still do work for a variety of international airlines, and hope that they all adhere to it.


I think it followed on from a study by a psychologist employed by IBM to look at how the company operated in various countries, and whether they needed to change the way they did things? For me, I guess for me it is just that I am discovering new ways of looking at things which is, in a way, just a 'by-product' of my OU course.


Malcolm Gladwell is the name of the writer. I had a video to look at for my course, which addressed the subject of 'over-confidence', and then I watched the next video on YouTube which happened to be this one.


I wonder how airlines do address it?

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I think it's fantastic that the course is such great vfm - the OU in uk has increased its fees in line with the revised maximum fees introduced by the Government and it now costs £5k pa fte. They will see such a massive drop in students as at that cost people will no longer study just for the joy of learning or even just to improve their prospects without a guaranteed payout.


I got in just in time so my BA on the old rates. It's hard work motivating oneself but very satisfying. I am now trying to decide whether to do my teaching masters with OU Aus or a bricks and mortar, so any information you are putting here is very helpful.

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