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Where to go?


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Depends what you want to do really.


I'd say starting in Sydney is a good place to start, you can go north up the east coast to Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Cairns etc.. which I suspect is fairly typical of a backpacker. Or the other way you can go to Melbourne and Adelaide. Adelaide is not as popular with backpackers but still a wonderful city.


I wouldn't make too many firm plans now though, just a rough outline of where you want to go. More than likely you will meet people who will help influence where you go and I suppose always be ready to move around.


If you are looking for regional work I'd get on the Harvest Trail, plenty of info on the au.gov website. There is quite a few published info packs around to help you get your head around that.


When are you flying?

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Hi. I'm in the process of applying for my Working Holiday Visa but I'm not sure what city I should look at. I am flying into Sydney but don't necessarily need to stay there.


Where would you recommend?


Thanks in advance!


G'day mate, that would depend on what your interests are. Interested in beaches, mountains, deserts, etc, etc??? How about giving us a few things that interest you, hey?


Cheers, Bobj.

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for the replies so far.


I am literally up for anything! I would love to see the whole country whilst I'm over, but will be looking for part-time work too.




Mate, as we are coming into our cool months, 'the dry', as it is known in the northern half, I would suggest that you head north towards Cairns, over the Top End and then the coast road south in WA and back across the Nullabor. I reckon it would pay you to get in with a couple of good blokes to defray costs.


Cheers, Bobj.

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