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Independant 189 and Redundancy??


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My company went into administration & subsequent recievership last week. As I am currently waiting on my skills assesment to come back from Engineers Australia(due in a few weeks) I cannot lodge my application.


I am still employed as normal with my company while they are working through the issues etc but can this hinder my PR application? As it's not employer nominated I would think not? If I put in my application and get my EOI and accept and then get made redundant does that make a difference?


Thanks in advance

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Are you in Australia on a 457 at present? If so, being made redundant won't affect your 189 application in any way, but it will affect when your Bridging visa takes effect after you lodge the application, which BV that could be and what you can do before it takes effect.


If you're not currently on a 457, no effect and no problem.

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Are you in Australia on a 457 at present? If so, being made redundant won't affect your 189 application in any way, but it will affect when your Bridging visa takes effect after you lodge the application, which BV that could be and what you can do before it takes effect.


If you're not currently on a 457, no effect and no problem.


I'm currently on a 457. I assume the bridging visa from a 457 to a 189 carries the conditions of the 457 and not the 189. If it is the case that I get made redundant before my Invitation is issued and I then have a 90 day deadline to find relevant work in my field but the invitation then gets issued does anyone have any idea what conditions the bridging would carry? Can I enter onto the bridging during the 90 day period post redundancy?

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You assume correctly. If you lodge a 189 application when holding a 457, your Bridging visa A will carry the same conditions as your 457. You must only work for the 457 sponsor in the nominated position and if you lose or leave your job, you have 90 days in which to find a new sponsor before your visa is subject to cancellation. If you apply for the 189 while your 457 is still valid (even if you have been made redundant and are no longer working for the employer), the BVA will still be granted but you won't be able to start work with any other employer unless and until you get nomination approval for a new 457 sponsor. IF your 457 is cancelled before your 189 is granted (cancellation of a 457 is not automatic), your BVA would be cancelled and you would go onto a BVE with no work rights or ability to travel outside Australia but you wouldn't really be much worse off than when you had a BVA bridging from a 457 but no job. Hopefully you can manage with no income until such time as your 189 is granted. if you can't, then hanging on with your current employer or finding a new 457 sponsor is your only option.

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