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Shipping UK - Sydney. Is there anything you CAN'T send over???


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We'll be shipping our stuff over to Sydney in the very near future & I wondered are there any items that we CAN'T send over or that we'll get taxed on??


I had plans of being savvy & popping in some bottles of champagne & spirits, a supply of my favourite cosmetics, perfumes & skincare products etc (because they'll cost double the price to buy in Australia) and maybe some of our favourite food that we won't be able to buy when we arrive.


Now I know the basics...you can't send meat, plants, nuts, shoes / bike tyres with earth on etc... But then I also heard that you can't send 'creams' which would cancel out lots of cosmetic type items, and I've heard they'll charge you tax on alcohol.


My husband will be sending his tools - he's a mechanical fitter/turner - will they all need to be cleaned before shipping them over?


Does anybody have any experiences of their own to share?? Any advice to give?


Thanks in advance :)

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Hi, My shipment arrived November, I packed plenty of new toiletries cosmetics etc, I had no trouble. Apart from the obvious items you mentioned that are banned,You can bring most things, I scrubbed shoes bikes etc and had no problem.I now wish I had packed a few more items, esp some store cupboard favorites, still looking to find/try good substitutes, The gravy is not nice here so I packed a few Bisto Best, lol, only gravy my daughter likes : ).. My husband shipped his tools, he washed/ wiped all of them.

If you are a savvy shopper in the UK then you will also be the same here, i've been here 1 month now and have already learnt how to shop and where the deals are, it is not as expensive as I thought.Alcohol is not cheap they don't do the same sort of deals here for food or drink like they do in the Uk.

I bought lots of new bedding in the UK sales, this was because the size fit duvets beds etc that we were shipping over. I also bought lots of new shoes underwear and clothes, they are better quality and a lot cheaper in the UK. We had a sole use 20ft container and I rammed it full.

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Thanks Ceddy that's really good to hear you shipped cosmetics & food etc & had no problems, were any of your products specifically creams? I thought it was a little odd when I heard they won't let you ship any...


Did you ship any alcohol? Good point re the gravy, thanks for that! Can you reccomended any other food type items that are worth taking?


I've heard linen is really expensive so that's a great idea to take some from home.


It's so helpful chatting to other people, thank you for your advice :)

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Hi, I packed plenty of body lotions/creams, toiletries,Ariel washing liquid, I already had most of them when packing up, so I thought rather than give them away I would chance it. I really wished I shipped Sarsons pickling vinegar lol. I like to make home made pickles and to me this is the best vinegar.There is actually not much at all that you cant buy here. I think most stores seem to have an isle section that sells British goods.

I had to buy, mop.. bucket brushes etc and lots bitty items here, but there really wasn't that much difference in the cost compared to the UK. I didn't ship alcohol, but you do have a generous 2 L duty free allowance,I bought 2 bottles of rum in Changi for £22 . On the Australian gov website there is a list of all prohibited goods food etc, may be worth you having a look, food wise I had things like Angel Delight.. Marmite... gravy, just stuff like that, mainly requested by family and friends I have already over here, think they only miss certain foody bits when they know they are getting a visitor from Uk lol.

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Forgot to add, you don't get the bargains here anyway near what you can get in the UK, so if you think something is a good deal and want it buy it before you come over.ie ;Tesco/ Asda duvets they are much cheaper than the same quality ones here, I bought some as spares,. We had to buy garden furniture as I didn't ship my wooden set, for the equivalent in the UK I had it was roughly half the price here, its all swings and roundabouts.

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You do realise Ceddy you are just encouraging me to go shopping - the hubby won't be happy. Lol. You are right with what you say, makes sense to ship over the important items which cost less here! If you think of anything else please let me know, I really appreciate your advice :)

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