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INFORMATION NEEDED, Moving back to the UK end of the year and want to take dogs, PLEASE HELP


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all the info i keep looking up is really out of date, from what i can gather the dog only needs a rabies jab up to 3 weeks before travel, Im looking for anyone who has sent dogs back to the uk as we have 3!! and obviosly price is an issue i am not that flush with cash!, please advise on best place to use thanks in advance

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I've moved your thread to the Pets section where I think you'll get more answers.


I don't know the answer to your question about vaccinations etc but I'm sure someone will be along with an answer.


You could also ask Bob from PetAir in the Shipping Pets: Ask Pet Air Partner forum.



Are you aware though of the new UK regulations when dogs/cats don't travel at the same time as or within a few days of their owners? See the Need help getting my dog back to the UK thread in this section for details of the changes and the problems they cause.


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  • 1 month later...

We moved our 2dogs and it cost roughly $3800 we didn't use pet air as they was nearly a $1000 dearer, as long as you have the rabies shot 21 days before you leave and all the other injections up to date, you are good to go. But remember if your dogs don't travel with you they need to be in the country with in five days or you will get charged as they are deemed to be commercial freight

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There is no cheap way to move three dogs back, costs will depend upon size of dog so very hard to guesstimate, but I would think no less than $5k whomever you use. Unless you have toy chihuahuas or something.

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