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189 Lodged, Help Needed.


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Hello People,


I lodged my application about two weeks ago, today, I decided to upload my documents. I had gotten most of the documents certified by the relative authority with the exception of Skills assessment and PTE Score Report, as I was told that it is not needed.


So, today, after uploading the police clearance, I uploaded the PTE test score and later I happened to click on the ? in front of it, which says you may include the certified copy of IELTS, OET and PTE score report.


Now, I am baffled and panicked, I have uploaded the right document, however, it is not certified.


Should I upload it again after getting it certified or should I leave it as it is.


Am I screwed ?? Can my application get rejected because of this ?


Thank god, I didn't upload my Skills assessment and the PTE of my wife, as they are not certified as well.





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[h=1]Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) document checklist[/h]Page Content

You must provide documents to support your application for this visa. We can make a decision using the information you provide when you lodge your application. It is in your interest to provide as much information as possible with your application.

All supporting documents must be scanned and uploaded with your application. All documents that you provide must be certified copies of original documents. Do not include original documents unless specifically requested to do so by the department. Documents not in English must be accompanied by accredited English translations.

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Stop worrying. It WILL be acceptable but even if for some reason it wasn't, you would be given the opportunity to provide the document in an acceptable format. Your visa application will not be rejected out of hand just because a document wasn't submitted in exactly the right format to begin with.

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For now, I am not going to do anything about it, however, I have sent an email to immi support for the same concern, just to have a written confirmation. Fingers crossed.


Also, Do you guys know, how much time does it take for the case officer allocation ?


And, Can you organize your medicals before the assignment of the case officer, the link is there on the page but I am not sure, whether to wait for the person to tell me or just go for it beforehand.

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I was the same yesterday! Uploaded documuments and didn't realise it was in two parts first me then my husband. I uploaded my husbands birth certificate to my section by accident. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove a document once uploaded. I also didn't select the type of document as 'birth certificate' so it's down as 'Airman something or other' I'm hoping this isn't going to be a problem.

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I didnt certify any of my documents..and put sum in wrong places..just uploaded them again in right place so they wouldnt be missed..I did health exam before case officer allocation...didnt hear anything from anyone until direct grant after 4wks of submitting all documents

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