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Multiple Eoi's Need advise


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Hi everyone, I am new to this forum, I hope I will get help from this forum regarding my application.


My ANZCO code is 261313 and recently i have filed EOI in 3 categories


I have filed for 189 with 60 points, 190 with 65 points & 489(Family sponsored) with 70 points.


My question is that can i receive multiple invitations or do they issue only 1 invitation?


Suppose i get invitation for 489(family sponsored) before and i want to wait for invitation for 189 or 190 visa,will they issue me invitation for 189/190 aswell or do i have to go ahead with 489 only?


Please advise


Can someone please advise me the processing time for 489( family sponsored) visa application aswell.



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You will only get one invitation. Even with a pro-rated occupation and even with only 60 points, you would almost certainly be able to get a 189 invitation in the next round. Worst case, you will get one in the one after. You will definitely be able to get a 190 invitation in the next round. A 70 point FS 489 will almost certainly result in an invitation in the next round. With 3 EOIs, I think the invitation will probably be for the highest ranked EOI which is likely to be either the 489 or the 190 but a 189 is a better visa than either, particularly the 489. IMO, you should withdraw the 190 and 489 EOIs before the next invitation round.

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