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Winter in Victoria


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Hello, planning a move to Australia at the beginning of next year, the obvious choice seems somewhere near Geelong as that is where we have family. However one of the main reasons for the move is because I really struggle with Scottish winters . In the depths of winter it is dark at 3:45 and not light until 8:45. Even now in February things are so much better. Can you please tell me what winter is like in Victoria, obviously it varies massively throughout the state I am sure.

Thanks guys

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you are right, it varies a lot. However, you are likely to end up around Melbourne or Geelong. Winter is nothing like as extreme as the UK. the coldest daytime temperature is about 12 and that is only it a couple of days. It tends to hover between 14 and 17 most of the time. Nighttime can get down to 5 but that is rare and usually it is around 10. It does not snow in either place and it rains less too. This kind of weather is really only June/ July and it is getting pleasant again by mid- August. As for daylight the shortest day is 21 June. On that day it is probably light by 7.30 and getting dark at 5.30. It moves by 1 minute a day so by the end of July it is dark at around 6pm.


If you come expecting Australia to be hot and sunny all the time, you will be disappointed. Otherwise, most winter days will still seem like a vast improvement. It is also a lot sunnier in the winter - much less of the endless white/grey cloudy sky

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