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Getting PR for 50 year old ex cop


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First post on here, so please be gentle with me!

I am a recently retired police Inspector with 31 years service and reached the ripe old age of 50 last summer. I have wide experience in investigation, public order, negotiation, health & safety and a wide range of other areas which I won't bore you with. I am very keen to secure a move to Oz and to work in policing. From enquiries with NT Police, that needs PR before they would consider an application and my age prevents me getting a skilled migrant visa, without sponsorship or nomination.

I have family already living in Darwin, but the visa options associated with family connections, don't seem to apply to our circumstances. I am left with either getting a sponsored job outside policing, with a view to possibly applying once PR has been obtained, or finding a state who offer sponsorship for police roles (which I don't believe there will be)

Can anybody advise of any employment which might suit my experience and would offer sponsorship, or suggest how I can get a skilled migrant visa at my age?

Many thanks


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You can't go for skilled migration or direct employer sponsorship due to your age as the cut off is 49 - before you turn 50.


The only option is 457 temp visa......but it is very difficult for anyone to gain employer sponsored PR from this visa as you need to meet the age exemptions - which for you would be work for your 457 employer for 4 years while earing the high income threshold for each of the 4 years which is currently around $130,000, and if your employer agrees to sponsor you for PR.


457 visa require and occupation on the CSOL.


Given your our age that will be your only option, as 457 visas are temp, if you lose or leave your job you have 90 days to find a new sponsor or leave Australia.

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