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Partner visa processing time Pakistan


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Hi All,


I have been a silent reader of this informative forum. I recently got married and will soon be applying for my wife's spouse visa. I have a few questions before I lodge her application.

Firstly, is there any processing time difference between online applications or paper applications? I have seen people lodging their paper application ang getting grants in 6-7 months, but I do not recall anyone saying they have lodged an online application with the same timeframe.

Secondly, do all online applications get processed in Australia or would they be allocated to the Australian high commission in the country of the applicant, e.g, would my wife,s online application be allocated to the Australian High comission Islamabad or would it be allocated to someone in Australia?


Would appreciate any help!

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You application will be processed in the closest processing embassy - is your partner from Pakistan? There is probably under 5 case officers in each embassy processing a huge amount of applications so processing times are blowing out.


The days of partner visas taking 6-8 months are long gone (there might be the odd one here and there, but it's certainly not the majority). Processing times in London are currently 10-14 months, and if you are applying from Islamabad then you will most likely encounter ASIO security checks which can take a very long time. At the moment Islamabad is stating a 12 month waiting time for offshore partner visas (see link below) - but I have seen people waiting up to 18-24 months from Islamabad because security checks have not been finalised.




Most embassy's prefer online applications now days (this became available a bit over a year ago). There is no documented proof atm that online applications take longer than paper, or visa versa. In theory case officers should find it a lot easier to go through and assess online application.

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Hi All,

I'd be applying for my wife's visa online soon, and wanted to know the current processing timeline for visa grants. I have been told that because my partner is a Pakistani, it will take more than 12 months for the application to process due to security checks. Please let me know if the current processing time for Pakistani spouse applications are taking more than 12 months.

Any help from you people will be appreciated.

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