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Info on living in Darwin?


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Hi, Mcshadders


Your information is very useful. I also have a 489 visa and just arrived in Darwin. My nominated job is Restaurant Manager but it seems hard to find a managerial position as a new guy here. I saw you was a printer but you can take alternative work after you discussed with the NT Skilled migration office. It won't affect your future application for PR (887 visa). I also have same situation as you. Some migration agent told me I have to do a closed related job which I was nominated, but some agent told me that I can do any job. I am confused and I checked immi.gov.au that it doesn't mention anything about the limitation of the job. So are you sure that can apply PR if you don't work as a printer.



I have also submit the visa application under 489 (12 Jan 2015) as a Restaurant Manager. If granted i would me migrating with my wife and 3 years young daughter. How is the living in Darwin?

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Hello Jpadda001,


No as yet, I'm waiting for CO.........



I have applied end of April 2015 and front loaded everything. I have not been contacted by CO yet. Kindly let me know, How can I find whether my CO allocated or not by my imm account. As it says still application received.


Some people said that granting date may shift to July 2015. Is there any possibility to get outcome before that?

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