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When to get medicals done?


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Hi, we have lodged our 189 application in December. I have sent off for police checks and am wondering when we should get our medicals done. We are using an agent and when I asked if we can go ahead and get the medicals done they replied:

''this is usually done upon request as all applicants are provided with the reference number called the HAP ID which then enables the medical check results to be sent of the immigration department directly. Therefore it is best at this stage that we await for the request to come through first''.


When I look at others timelines, a lot of people seem to have had there's done even before the application was made. I'm keen to get everything through as we are going on holiday to Oz in March and if the visa is through by then it will validate it for us.


Can anyone advise. thank you.

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You can get your medicals done before they request for them.


You get the HAP ID when you log into your immi account and select medicals in your application.


If I were you, I would get them done ASAP because you are in with a chance of being able to validate your visa when you go on holiday.

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