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First time poster so please be gentle! Have been hovering around here for a few months while we have been trying to get our 190 visa. The advice given out by everyone has been so helpful so thanks in advance!! Luckily yesterday we were granted our visa and now we can look forward to our new adventure in Australia! A little bit about us:- Im Rikki 41 and a fabricator/welder from Fife in Scotland. For the last 8 years I have been working in Holland where i met my girlfriend Mayke. She is 35 and currently works as a civil servant for the Dutch government. We are looking to move to Melbourne either this year or sometime in 2016. It all depends on when we think we have enough money saved!!!(How much is enough?) We are looking at coming over for our validation in November so hopefully by then i will know a few people on here and can meet up for a beer or two!!


Look forward to getting to know you all,


Rikki and Mayke

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