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Just started the process :D


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Hi :) I'm Erynn 33 from Scotland and my partner Ryan is 34 and from Ireland we have been together almost 7 years and have 2 children together Jessica who turned 2 a few days ago and Ethan who is 6 months old. I also have another daughter Linzi who is 13. We have spoken about Australia more or less from the day we met and FINALLY after all the talks we have bit the bullet and applied :D Ryan is a bricklayer and is the main visa applicant, we are using the visa bureau to help with the whole process at point just now of trying to tack down all the sub contractors he has worked for to prove his work history (not easy lol but i'm sure will be worth it in the end!) I have more family living in Australia than I do here in Scotland lol (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins etc) who live in both Melbourne and Perth. We will be looking at going to Perth as Ryan also has some friends living there. Anyway just wanted to come on and introduce ourself no doubt I am going to have LOTS of questions lol especially when it comes to Linzi and schooling (she will be sitting her GCSE's in May 2017 and Im not too sure if I should start thinking about all that just now or wait until we have the visas in our hand???

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