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been back 6mths .....AND ......


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Hi all , well we have been back in the uk 6mths( hubby still doing fifo from darwin ) ........ And at first i was fine but now ....i want to go back to Aus and i never thought i would say that to be honest .... but we moved from perth to darwin to be with hubby to see if that helped which it did but i honestly think if we had stayed in perth we wouldnt have come back , life just seemed so much easier in perth and it is true what people say people well friends do move on they have got use to life without unless i contact them i dont really hear from them and it isnt for not trying .... family well they are brill but this is so strange to say but i am feeling like i just dont belong i am so confused and torn my poor kids dont know if they are coming or going ............hubby never wanted to come back to the uk anyway but at least he was willing because he knew what it meant to me and i know i have been so lucky with him he is just the best ...... he would be made up for us all to go back to aus , and we never sold our house we rent it out so that a plus if we did go back at least .......


Sorry guys i know i have gone on abit lol but cant really talk to anyone here because as you can imagine everyone is like o no you are not going back which doesnt help ..... my 13yr old said to me "mum lets just go back to perth for a holiday to see what we all think " i often wonder to myself that she has more sense than me :smile: ....


well thats about it for now , i was just wondering if anyone else has been like this ????

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Loads of people have been like you,its nothing new. If your OH and kids are up for the move back,then I would probably do it. You need to consider the reasons why (1)You left the UK in the first place,(2)Left Australia and (3)want to move back to Australia. Some people experience that feeling of never belonging anywhere once you start ping ponging so be mindful of that ok?Best wishes and good luck,whatever you decide.

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Thanks Melza , the reason we left the uk in the first place was to just give it a go and see you never know till you do ... and we loved it the thought of coming home never crossed our minds ...then after being there 5 1/2 yrs i got cancer a yr of treatment then 2 yrs of me feeling homesick hence the move back to the uk .... but i have said to hubby i really thought that after what we had been threw i had given it enough time to know that it wasn't a whim , i had given it 2 yrs but i really do wonder because people i have met threw the treatment had said to me that it can take anything from 2 to 5 yrs before you feel like yourself ........ because i must admit i am nearly 3 yrs out of treatment and i now am feeling more like me ....xxx And me more than anyone really really doesnt want to be a ping pong lol ...... xxxxxx

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