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457 Visa


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Sometime in the 4 years you would need to apply for PR. There are a few ways of doing this, one using the points system, or another is employer sponsored - no points needed for this, but there are other conditions. For both ways, if you meet all criteria you can do it, if you can't (e.g. not enough points) then you can't.


A 457 gives no direct pathway to PR, and certainly not citizenship. It is a temporary visa. To get PR it is another entirely separate visa process, fee etc, and involves more than the 457 visa application (e.g. meds, police checks etc). It costs more too!!!


You must get PR, and live as that for at least 1 year before you can apply for citizenship (more paperwork, but less cost), and you need to be 4 years in the country (aside short breaks) to be eligible. So you could do 3 years on the 457, and 1 year as PR minimum before you can be eligible to apply for citizenship.


Basically, the 457 can be renewed, but will never be any more than a temporary visa. When it finally comes to an end, so will your right to remain in the country.

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Sorry being blonde here -PR does that mean permanent resident?

happy with meds and police search etc, it's just the IELTS test that's putting him off. Ask him to look at a house and he could re design it and work out how much materials needed and the cost and he's happy, but doing an English test, a different story lol

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If he's short on points then IELTS would be a necessity - majority of people have to do it.


Yes, PR is permeant residency.


There is a whole list of things to do dependent on which visa you go for. You'd need to look into them.


I think that the main thing is, before you burn all bridges in the UK (selling house etc) make sure you have a definite pathway to PR or else you could spend a whole heap of money and come back the the UK to a worse financial position than when you left, and older...

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Have a look at the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream of subclass 186 - this is an employer sponsored pathway into a permanent residency visa.


The main requirement is to have worked for 2 years for the sponsoring employer as the holder of a subclass 457 visa.


If your OH can secure a migration skills assessment now I'd also look into the Direct Entry (DE) stream of subclass 186. This allows employers to sponsor for permanent residency straightaway, without the need for a period of employment on the 457 visa.


Best regards.

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