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Need help getting my dog back to the UK

Katie Hughes

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Hello people, this might be a bit of a long shot but here we go. Im a bit of a pickle and need your help. I recently moved back from Australia to the UK. I left my lovely dog there, she had to wait for 21 days before she could travel, and she was due to join me. The silly government have now changed the rules. What I need is someone flying the same route as the dog. So what am I looking for is ANYONE that is flying from Sydney to Heathrow in January (the sooner the better)! Literally all I would need is a copy of your eticket and a few other details. It wouldn't affect your flight or journey at all. The dogs flight will be arranged after. So lovely people please ask youryour friends and if anyone can help please PM me and I will eternally be in your debt (also a small reward being offered)




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No it's a big mess both with the Australian Authorities and the EU Authorities, no one seems to know what exactly is going on!! So the issue is I can't even book a ticket for my puppy until I have the flight details of someone leaving from Sydney. And I didn't really think it was a lot to ask someone who was flying to give me their name and their flight details, perhaps I was wrong. Was going to offer $200 as a thank you because im so desperate to get my dog home.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I've been out of the business a long time now but can you send a link to the changes as it's the first time I have heard of it.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Katie I have found it I think. Read here



Effective December 29, 2014: If your pet is entering England unaccompanied by air from an EU country or rabies-controlled country, and you are unable to travel on the same flight as your pet, you will need to sign a declaration confirming that you do not intend to sell or transfer ownership of your pet. If your pet originates from outside of the EU, you must show evidence of your travel within 5 days of your pet´s movement.

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Dear Katie

Yes this is a mess. Basically pets can come in as commercial or non-commercial. if you fly within 5 days of the pet it is classed as non-commercial and easy. if you cant then it is classed as commercial and you need to pay import duties (which are a pain, but do-able) and the pets have to originate from a registered premises (which is the nigh impossible bit).

Other option is for you to nominate someone to travel with your pet and they sign the paperwork to say they are travelling.

Option 1 - Legit way of getting your dog back is to fly over and fly back within 5 days of the dog

Option 2 - find someone flying within 5 days of the dog and you nominate them and they sign the form

Option 3 - you get someone in Australia to sign the form and then they dont actually travel and you hope that no-one asks for a boarding pass (which is unlikely anyway)


Your shipper in Australia will have booked the flight with an airline. Which airline have they used as if so then we may be able to do the clearance in UK and can advise you direct. If it is with BA or Qantas then they have a nominated agent and so you will need to ask them direct.


Yes it is a right mess!

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Yes we know that legislation now but I was not made aware of this before we left Australia :( we were told as soon as my dog had waited 21 days after her rabies then she would be on a flight to the UK. Since leaving the company I am using has found out about the new rules and now im in a bit of a tricky situation as I can't really afford to fly back to Australia to get Nala. So they suggested if I could find someone traveling, anyone, from Sydney then if I got their flight details then they could fly her. Iv already signed all the forms stating that she is a pet and I will not be selling her etc so I just need someone flying. :). The company I am using won't book my dogs ticket until I provide them of the persons flight details. So annoying and all the while my poor dog is in kennels!

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Katie you poor thing! I do sympathise, can't offer any advice or help sorry but just wanted to say boooo that sucks! I am having a dilemma at the moment as I am returning to the UK but couldn't decide whether or not to take my cat due to lack of funds but this has cemented my decision that he either comes with me when I leave or not at all! Best of luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, that is a crazy bit of legislation. Can anyone please recommend some companies for me to try for quotes that people on here have used in the past. We may need to ship our dog back to the UK soon (from Victoria, 3hrs east of Melbourne).


Also do they need all of the jabs and gap inbetween jabs before flying (think we had to wait 6 months between rabies jab and him being able to fly out here 3 years ago).


Any other advice or considerations I need to be aware of would be most helpful and appreciated.


I've had one quote, I won't name the company....yet but it was $5200. :unsure:


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure if this is good advice or not, but why dont you call other pet shippers in Australia to see if they can help. Seems ultra daft to have your dog there racking up kennelling costs.


we are now going to be affected by this new rule as we will be sending our dog back soon and we're hoping she would go ahead of us by a few weeks to enable us to have a holiday on the way back. My parents are happy to get her from Heathrow. How much would the import duty be as we need to weigh up whether it would be more expensive than putting her in kennels so she can fly back at the same time as us? Sorry to hijack the thread!

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