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Working holiday in Australia - running away from my problems or a great idea?


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Hey, cheers for the post - it made for some interesting reading and it's comforting to know there are people out there who can resonate with my struggles. I'm glad you overcame your shyness, fair play to you!


No worries at all. I was able to make the change, so any opportunity to help others do the same cannot be passed up! :smile:


I am still definitely getting on the plane, I've not cancelled anything yet. But i'm more thinking along the lines of a 3 month trip in Asia covering Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

I am glad to hear that you are and whatever decision you make in the following weeks needs to be yours and not anybody else's. My opinion, 3 months is probably more than you will need for SEA. I plan on working that route after my year (or 2) in OZ but only for a month.

What you need to be careful of is becoming stagnant. You have said it already you have a routine, you might not enjoy it but its yours. Your never going to truly be happy unless you break that routine.


I read in the paper a few days ago about a reporter who was interviewing homeless people and it made for some seriously interesting reading. The reporter asked some of the homeless why they don't visit some of the help centres dotted around the country (YMCA Ect) and you know what they said?

They have their circle of homeless friends, they have their daily routine they have this life and as much as they might say they want to get off the streets they secretly like being homeless in their own little secluded world.



Apologies if you find this an odd analogy but I felt it fitted the context.


All I have booked is a flight to Thailand so i'm not losing any money by not going to Oz. I'm just not sure if it's right for me at this moment. The 3 month trip will cost me more than my original plan which was to chill for a month in Thailand then head to Oz and look for work, but it won't cost that much more.

Forget about money. Money can be earnt.


I have parents and grandparents saying they wish I'd settle down, I've no guarantees of a job in Oz, and who's to say i'd enjoy things like working in a bar or on a farm. Them jobs might make me more depressed if I find them too much of a struggle in terms of the level of social interaction required. To be honest i'm not totally sure exactly what i'm gonna end up doing. My mind has changed about 12 times and that's just in the last 2 days. All I know is I've a flight to Thailand in 12 hours


I am going to try and choose my words carefully here in fear of offending you but your family are being selfish. Yes they brought you into this world, but they brought you into this world so you could live your own life and make your own decisions.

They are also wrong. You are 24 for Christ sake! There is absolutely no reason to think about settling down now, you are only 6 years into your adult life, go out and enjoy yourself while you still can.


Your absolutely right. There is no guarantee that you will find a job in OZ, there is also no guarantee you will enjoy any work you do find, but that's part of the excitement. Not knowing what is ahead, throwing caution to the wind, breaking that routine.

You never know what the next day may bring so live life in the now and let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. (Excuse the cliché's) :wink:


Just make sure to keep moving, don't let yourself settle into a routine.

If you cant find work after a few weeks in one town move onto another.



Sometimes you have to put your needs and desires above others.

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No worries at all. I was able to make the change, so any opportunity to help others do the same cannot be passed up! :smile:



I am glad to hear that you are and whatever decision you make in the following weeks needs to be yours and not anybody else's. My opinion, 3 months is probably more than you will need for SEA. I plan on working that route after my year (or 2) in OZ but only for a month.

What you need to be careful of is becoming stagnant. You have said it already you have a routine, you might not enjoy it but its yours. Your never going to truly be happy unless you break that routine.


I read in the paper a few days ago about a reporter who was interviewing homeless people and it made for some seriously interesting reading. The reporter asked some of the homeless why they don't visit some of the help centres dotted around the country (YMCA Ect) and you know what they said?

They have their circle of homeless friends, they have their daily routine they have this life and as much as they might say they want to get off the streets they secretly like being homeless in their own little secluded world.



Apologies if you find this an odd analogy but I felt it fitted the context.



Forget about money. Money can be earnt.




I am going to try and choose my words carefully here in fear of offending you but your family are being selfish. Yes they brought you into this world, but they brought you into this world so you could live your own life and make your own decisions.

They are also wrong. You are 24 for Christ sake! There is absolutely no reason to think about settling down now, you are only 6 years into your adult life, go out and enjoy yourself while you still can.


Your absolutely right. There is no guarantee that you will find a job in OZ, there is also no guarantee you will enjoy any work you do find, but that's part of the excitement. Not knowing what is ahead, throwing caution to the wind, breaking that routine.

You never know what the next day may bring so live life in the now and let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. (Excuse the cliché's) :wink:


Just make sure to keep moving, don't let yourself settle into a routine.

If you cant find work after a few weeks in one town move onto another.



Sometimes you have to put your needs and desires above others.



Good post, you haven't offended me as I know myself they are being slightly selfish but just for a bit of perspective - they have not got much else in the world. I come from a working class background and am an only child so money is not in my family, in fact it's quite amazing how I even have a chance to travel. Luckily I was blessed with being booksmart and hard working at school so I got a good job and scholarship for college. My mothers' mother is widowed and has just one child, both my fathers parents have passed away. So when you think about it, I am the only person they have in their lives who still has such a large chunk of my life left (fingers crossed). I'm a big part of their lives and I guess they're not looking forward to the prospect that I wouldn't be around for an entire year.


I guess part of my fears about Australia comes from a previous experience. I went to USA on a J1 visa 2 years ago and was home after 6 weeks because I hated it. I hated the minimum wage jobs and hated how my shyness was holding me back. As much as I'd like to think differently, i'm still the same guy I was 2 years ago. To be honest the whole decision making process is wrecking my head - i'm ridiculously indecisive which is probably part of the nature of anxious people. Australia is available as a destination until i'm 30 I think so if I don't go now it's not like I never will. Although it'll probably become more difficult as time goes on.

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I agree with a lot of what Brandon says about living your own life etc and that it really could be the making of you but you have to do what you think is right for you so going your Asia trip sounds a good start. You'll be mixing with people and in different situations so it'll help your shyness :) Hope you have a great time! I reckon when you come back you'll have a better idea about what you want to do

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to hear your feeling low Stacey, we've all been there tho ! Can I just say I was in a similar position after breaking up from a long term partner and was your age at the time. A friend persuaded me to head over here .. and honestly it has been the best decision I've ever made ! I was pretty nervous that things wouldn't work out, wouldn't find work , wouldn't make friends n wouldn't adapt. Couldn't have been more wrong , my friend and I went out separate ways after a few month and I ended up travelltravelling all over the place with different sets of friends I made out here before meeting my now wife. It was all an amazing experience and still is today. My big tips would be get your farm work done straight off the bat as it guarantees your second year and is the best for making friends. And 2 do a bit more research than we did of where your initially heading .. hope you make the right decision for yourself !

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Sorry to hear your feeling low Stacey, we've all been there tho ! Can I just say I was in a similar position after breaking up from a long term partner and was your age at the time. A friend persuaded me to head over here .. and honestly it has been the best decision I've ever made ! I was pretty nervous that things wouldn't work out, wouldn't find work , wouldn't make friends n wouldn't adapt. Couldn't have been more wrong , my friend and I went out separate ways after a few month and I ended up travelltravelling all over the place with different sets of friends I made out here before meeting my now wife. It was all an amazing experience and still is today. My big tips would be get your farm work done straight off the bat as it guarantees your second year and is the best for making friends. And 2 do a bit more research than we did of where your initially heading .. hope you make the right decision for yourself !


i haven't checked the full thread so I don't know wether I wrote that or wether the avatar pics have got mixed up again and you think I wrote the OP. I did feel quite bad at one point though but I'm fine now. I'm going over to australia near the end of the year. I'll be quite sad to leave my job but If I don't travel now I probably never will so going to give it a go. Cheers for the tip on farm work, if I get the opportunity then I'll do it even though im not sure I want to stay 2 years

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Glad to hear it Stacey .. that's exactly what I said , it worked out as I ended up loving it where's friends I had left it too late and couldn't get it finished in time and couldn't extend their stay .. but you have plenty time mate :)

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Do it! Life is short, you don't know who you could meet out there, the endless opportunities you may stumble across, life is an adventure, don't sit at home envying other peoples courage to explore and live their life, go out there and live it yourself! That's certainly what I intend to do! Don't get to 30 and look back and be wishing you had done it! Do it now while its on your mind, it'll be the best thing you do! I've been to Australia and I CAN.NOT.WAIT. to go back! :)

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