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Hi, might be heading back to Oz after 15 years out.


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Hi all,


I've joined up because we are probably moving back to Oz in the next 12 months.

I'm from the Sydney area.

I've been out of Australia for 15 years, met my (also Australian) wife here in London and we're somewhat reluctant to return as we are both fairly settled but also have elderly parents who won't be around forever so have made the decision to return.


Likely to be based in Melbourne or fairly close to it (although hopefully avoiding the fires).





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Hi rallyjon,


I guess it is because we are both in jobs we enjoy, have a lot of friends here, enjoy a lot of European travel and like being connected to history and culture.

UK winters do get on top of me a bit, so I am sure I'll enjoy the weather once we get there.

Bit concerned about how expensive Australia will be, although London isn't exactly a cheap place to live either.


I guess it is mostly about having to start again.

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The expense is part of it, and we're not completely against going.

I'm sure once we arrive we'll enjoy our time there.


It is mostly having to start again, sort out work/jobs (which for me is tricky as I'm in a niche industry), buy house and all that.

Looking out the window at the cloud and rain, and darkness at 4pm I do wonder why I love the UK so much.

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Bit concerned about how expensive Australia will be, although London isn't exactly a cheap place to live either.


I live in SW London with my Australian partner and we are heading to Sydney in April/May. I think coming from London, the big Australian cities don't seem that much more expensive. I can't judge exactly but I'd say they're on a par, with Australia (Sydney in my case) maybe a touch more expensive. But depends on what you do in your spare time I guess. We eat out a fair bit, so when we move, I think I will need to do my fair share in kitchen, until we see how things go financially (which is common sense anyway!).


I'm looking forward to it but my partner is a little more reluctant, even though he suggested moving originally. But as you say, family draws people home and I guess it doesn't have to be forever.

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