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Partner Visa processing time increased to 18 Months


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Website doesn't appear to back up the 18 months rumour



Is there a source for it?


People who think that quoted 5/6 month timeframe reflects average processing times these days... sigh. How I wish you were right! First off, that was never meant to reflect average processing time. It's their service standards which they "aim to" meet (and are definitely not meeting in many cases these days). If you want average processing times right now, you have to look elsewhere.


That page you linked has not been updated and has not been accurate in TWO YEARS. No exaggeration. It infuriates me, honestly, that they still have it up - better NO posted "service standards" rather than information posted that is SO misleading. SO many people see that and think "whee, only 5/6 months to get my visa!" and that's just not true. Not sure where OP got the 18 months, but you can see in multiple places that that 5 months outside Australia for Low Risk Countries/6 months inside Australia for the 820 information does NOT reflect current processing times. Even their own official website and official embassy websites show you that:


820: http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/801-820.aspx (In gold: "Average processing time for this visa is 12 to 15 months.​")

309 from UK: http://www.uk.embassy.gov.au/lhlh/immi_processing_times.html ("Partner Migration: 10 to 15 months.")

309 from US (another very low-risk country): http://www.usa.embassy.gov.au/whwh/dibpssdibpss.html ("Partner Migration: 12 to 15 months.")


5/6 months WAS at one time probably close to what was actually happening. It's no longer anywhere close. Processing times have skyrocketed.

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No, its someones speculation/ rumour. Its not fact. Remember this is a forum.


Sometimes forums do, in fact, contain accurate information backed up by official sources. And frequently official information that later gets documented by Immi/the embassies begins with one member saying "Hey, I called Immi/the embassy today and they told me that..."


No reason to disparage forums.

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