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Missed Items


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I don't know what to do so advice from you great people out there would be a great help. I have to hold my hand up and say that its my fault but want to know whether it is rectifiable! So my shipping company movers came and packed today, yay. They were very professional and courteous, I spent the last week decluttering and sectioning off and labelling areas for shipping or not. I then spoke to my move manager and said all was well and that they had packed etc, baring in mind I was downstairs at the time and hadn't checked upstairs, since I thought everything was clearly labelled and they seemed proficient. Anyway, long story short, I just checked my clearly labelled storage cupboard (ship) only to discover the items inside has not been packed! I know it is my fault for not checking, but I've never done this before.


So do any of you know whether the movers would come back to pack what they hadn't packed initially? What are my options?


Thanks in advance

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it's easily done and i'm sure you've got a million other things to think about at the same time!


Give them a call, explain the situation, apologise/do the "silly me" routine [if you think it will work] and ask if they will come back without any extra charge. and then depending on what they say, come up with a Plan B! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rachael


I noticed that night so I contacted them via email and explained the situation and was very apologetic. The only option I had was to fedex it to them so that they could pack it in time. They were really good actually. It was my own fault for not checking around the house, too much going through my head!


My move manager was very good.


Hi Marynyho


I am in a similar situation although they didn't miss loads it's still too much to take as baggage on the plane in 2 weeks time. Can I ask what the outcome of this was? I hope it all worked in your favour!

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