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Home-brew availability

UK Homebrew

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Hi All

Me and the other-half are moving to the Melbourne area next year – sometime between June and Aug.

There are lots of things to do, and we have a good handle on most things – its just the essentials like finding somewhere to live that will have to wait until we get there!

In the mean time, I am an avid homebrew maker. Apart from the fact it saves a load of cash, it generally tastes better than the big commercial brews. I am not including microbreweries in this, as they don’t have to appeal to the masses.

I like to brew from the grain all the way through, but am not adverse to use some quality kits from time to time (Richies kits are excellent! Although made by muntons like everyone else)

Until my equipment arrives from the UK and we have hopefully found somewhere to live on a more permanent basis, I will bring a kit with me and bottle rather than keg.

Strange thing in the UK – it is cheaper to buy coopers PET bottles shipped from OZ than buy ones made in the UK.


If I wanted to bring ingredients from the UK (grains, hops, yeast ect) in the move-cube would customs let them in if they are commercially packaged in oxygen sealed bags?, also would they allow beer kits in without paying tax as they are not yet alcohol?


I am assuming that raw ingredients are available – but would be keen to hear from other brewers as to the variety and quality – the advantage of the EU is being able to get different varieties from all over the place.

I know muntons import to OZ, so perhaps some of the UK kits are available but so far have not been able to find any. Every post I have seen says that OZ kits are not that good – but I am sure there must be a good one somewhere!

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Hey mate,


I've only just started home brewing so I'm not up to your level yet, but I'll give my two cents.


You won't have much of an issue bringing processed food in commercial packets into the country (e.g. I bring as much black pudding as I can carry back with me!) but I expect they won't let you bring in raw grains and hops. Yeast I'm not so sure but I would definitely contact AQIS to ask. I'm pretty sure that you will be able to bring in a beer kit without being taxed (with the caveat re bringing yeast/hops into the country). I would question why you'd bother? As long as you have equipment with you then you'd be as well served popping to a local home brew store and they will be able to help you out with all ingredients and info about what is good and what isn't. They also often do their own kits which would be better quality than the commercial ones. Kits are cheap so save the space for something else. Actually, you'll probably find cheap equipment too so consider whether you just want to get some stuff off gumtree while you await the move cube. I picked up a brand new Copper Tun kit with a Mangrove Jack PA kit for $50 on gumtree (unwanted gift). Something like that would tide you over before your good equipment got here.


Re quality of ingredients, I don't really know as I will be kit and kiloing for my first few and I didn't do any brewing in Europe to compare. What I will say is that the craft beer industry is exploding here and Australia exports a lot of its malting barley so I would have thought you'd be able to get decent stuff. Where did you find that Oz kits aren't that good compared to others? Were others comparing Coopers kits primarily? I get my info online from 'aussiehomebrewer.com.au' so as you can imagine you wouldn't find too many criticising Oz kits there!



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Hey mate,


I've only just started home brewing so I'm not up to your level yet, but I'll give my two cents.


You won't have much of an issue bringing processed food in commercial packets into the country (e.g. I bring as much black pudding as I can carry back with me!) but I expect they won't let you bring in raw grains and hops. Yeast I'm not so sure but I would definitely contact AQIS to ask. I'm pretty sure that you will be able to bring in a beer kit without being taxed (with the caveat re bringing yeast/hops into the country). I would question why you'd bother? As long as you have equipment with you then you'd be as well served popping to a local home brew store and they will be able to help you out with all ingredients and info about what is good and what isn't. They also often do their own kits which would be better quality than the commercial ones. Kits are cheap so save the space for something else. Actually, you'll probably find cheap equipment too so consider whether you just want to get some stuff off gumtree while you await the move cube. I picked up a brand new Copper Tun kit with a Mangrove Jack PA kit for $50 on gumtree (unwanted gift). Something like that would tide you over before your good equipment got here.


Re quality of ingredients, I don't really know as I will be kit and kiloing for my first few and I didn't do any brewing in Europe to compare. What I will say is that the craft beer industry is exploding here and Australia exports a lot of its malting barley so I would have thought you'd be able to get decent stuff. Where did you find that Oz kits aren't that good compared to others? Were others comparing Coopers kits primarily? I get my info online from 'aussiehomebrewer.com.au' so as you can imagine you wouldn't find too many criticising Oz kits there!



Sorry to butt in on this thread but Rob has said that he brings black pudding into Aus. I'd always assumed that this type of foodstuff would not be allowed. I am going back to Stockport for Christmas and whilst it would be nice to bring back real Bury black puddings I would be quite content to settle for the standard UK supermarket stuff sold in black plastic about 3 inches in diameter and up to 18 inches long, although most people would merely have a few inches sliced off. Painful I know but one must suffer to acheive the bliss of a black pudding breakfast. I have managed to find this type imported from the UK but at $24 a kilo makes for an expensive breakfast. Can you confirm that you had no trouble bringing the main course of the Gods before they moved on to their rather more common ambrosia.


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Mamba, I can confirm that on three separate occasions I have brought Manna From Heaven (aka Clonakilty black & white puddings) into Brisbane airport without any trouble whatsoever. I declared them each time just to be sure, but each time I have been waved through with a cheery smile. The puddings get thrown in the freezer and are savoured over the ensuing weeks. My supplies ran out some time ago, but the memory of those magnificent breakfasts lives on. <wipes solitary tear from cheek>


PS not sure how'd you go with butcher's pudding. The stuff I brought in was always commercially packaged, and one of the AQIS people did say that as long as it's packaged like that it's OK. A styrofoam tray and cling film may not cut the mustard.

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Hi Rob,

thanks for the link - I will be sure to take a look.

A was asking about the grains, as I have a stock here, so I either sell them on e-bay for a loss or bring them with me, it all depends on when we come over as to what is left.

I have 4 kegs to get through so probably wont make any more.

good point about black puds - I will be sure to bring some over.

Does nobody make them in OZ - cant see as there would be a shortage of the raw ingredients... or is it just not the the OZ plate

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Hi Rob,

thanks for the link - I will be sure to take a look.

A was asking about the grains, as I have a stock here, so I either sell them on e-bay for a loss or bring them with me, it all depends on when we come over as to what is left.

I have 4 kegs to get through so probably wont make any more.

good point about black puds - I will be sure to bring some over.

Does nobody make them in OZ - cant see as there would be a shortage of the raw ingredients... or is it just not the the OZ plate


Good luck with the brewing mate, but I think you will have trouble getting any grains in through biosecurity, maybe worth a check on the web site, but whatever, please ensure you declare any and all foodstuffs when entering OZ.

Black pudding is available but a bit like hunting for truffles, also they are not the same, the pork here is rather lacking in flavor.

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Now't to do with me but, Melbourne has a really vibrant home brew scene. They have their own association, sorry can't remember the name for it exactly, but it does contain the words 'micro, brewers and beer, in some kind of order. They have regular competitions, they may be able to advise on ingredients available.

Anyway, good luck.

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