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My pooch is flying out!!!


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Hi everyone, I am having my beloved English Bull Terrier flown out from the UK tomorrow and I am just sick with worry. My friend has been looking after her for me and has been doing the last vet trips as I have been over here for 7 weeks now. The thing is she gets really scared going to the vets and my friend has told me that she has poohed herself twice now with all the visits there. I can't help but worry if she is going to handle the flights and quarantine very well. I am using a company called Petair and they have been fab so far. After 10 days in quarantine she is being picked up by DOGTAINERS at and flying over to Adelaide where I will pick her up. Has anyone been through a similar trauma as me with their babies? I feel so helpless out here.

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I flew my dog from Thailand to Uk, was really concerned too. However on picking her up she was fine,excited to see us and happy to jump back in the crate when asked. Worst part no one tells you about is jet lag for dogs, getting woke up at 2 am by a dog wanting walks and breakfast is fun.Took about a month before she adjusted to new time zone.Also be aware of new allergens she hasn't been exposed to particularly grass seeds etc, to start with wash her paws after a walk until her body adjusts.


If you can arrange it get a t-shirt towel or something similar, with the scent of who has been looking after her in the crate.Don't worry about the flight so much, the flight manifest is really strict regarding temperature, placement of crate etc.


As for quarantine, I'm told although it's not the palace we create for our dogs, they are well cared for.10 days will soon go quickly, then you can have your mate with you and get her used to new surroundings.


My own dog is now in UK, as she failed Enchila test, but fingers crossed she will be with us in Cairns come the new year.

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Thank you Stiggy for your reply. She will be flying with a blanket that I left with my friend which should be comforting for her. I never thought about different allergies or jet lag she may have but if that is the worst of it I think I will cope. Its nice to hear your dog was ok and happy to see you. It's funny how she has been my biggest worry regarding our move over to Australia above everything else. Thank you for putting my mind at ease I hope she is as happy to see me as yours were you when we have our reunion!!

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