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Moving to Perth to be with daughters and their families


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HI is anyone in a similar situation to me. I am retired single lady with 2 daughters living in

australia, and now i am seriously thinking of moving to be with them and family. Not sure where to start but I know i can purchase a grandparents visa , but i will need accomodation, preferably one bedroom in the Perth area.


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Hi @maggie9, hope you didn't mind the move to a new thread.


If you want to move to Perth on a more or less permanent basis, you will need a Parent visa of some kind. If you simply want to be able to spend periods of time over there and return to your home country in between, that's much simpler (and cheaper).


In order to be eligible to apply for a Parent visa, you must be able to pass the Balance of Family test. If your daughters are your only children and are either PRs or citizens, you definitely pass the test. Otherwise, you need to check the BoF rules which require that at least half of your children are permanently resident in Australia or that more of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country.

http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/balance-family.htm Balance of Family test


Then, what Parent visa? There are two basic types of Parent visa - Contributory and non-Contributory:


The Visa Application Charge for a Contributory Parent visa is currently $2,370 with a second instalment of $43,600 payable just before the visa is granted (which will be 12-24 months after applying).


The Visa Application Charge for a non-Contributory Parent visa is currently $2,370 with a second instalment of $2,065 payable just before the visa is granted BUT processing time for non-Contributory Parent visas is currently estimated at over 30 years.


If you're at least Australian Age pension age (basically 65 but it's a bit more complicated than that), you can apply in Australia for either of the above Parent visa types and will be granted a Bridging visa that will allow you to stay in Australia until a decision is reached on your application. If you are under that age, you can only apply offshore and will then need Visitor visas to travel to Australia for visits to your family.

https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/seniors/benefits-payments/age-pension Australian Age pension age


http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/parent-outside.htm Offshore Parent visa options

http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/parent-inside.htm Onshore Parent visa options

http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/parent-visa-processing-priorities.htm Parent visa queue


For either type of Parent visa, an Assurance of Support bond is also required. The amount and length of time the bond is retained varies depending on the visa but is between $5000 and $10000.

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the Visa charge is a bit more than that - I believe I paid $3520 earlier this year. The $43600 is correct though. Also it is possible to apply onshore for a Parent Visa even if under 65. However you have to be offshore for it to be granted.

$3520 is the VAC for an onshore Parent visa application. $2370 is the VAC for an offshore application.

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looks like I'm two weeks behind you Caroline- I expect my email any day lol

Oh Freesia, you are a lot more optimistic than I am. I am not expecting to hear anything until, at the earliest end of December, but more .likely January 2015. That's after reading all the posts on here. Do you know something that we don't? Haha

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Sorry to find myself correcting you but $3520 is the 1st VAC for an offshore 143 visa.



That's OK Steve - I don't mind being corrected and I was a bit glib this time and didn't provide all of the permutations (of which there are many). Here's a link to the fees and charges info so anyone can look it up for themselves.


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